Create product
You can add unlimited products by product create route, product route allow only POST Method{{app_token}}/product
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
body: {
"name" : "", # Required //string
"description" : "", #longtext,
"brand_id" : "", #integer
"vendor_id" : "", #integer
"country_id" : "", #integer
"district_id" : "", #integer
"police_station_id" : "", #integer
"sequence" : "", #double
"status" : "", #integer
"regular_price" : "", #double
"current_price" : "", #double
"dicount" : "", #double
"dicount_type" : "", #string like: fixed or parcentage
"start_offer" : "", # date time
"end_offer" : "", # date time
"banner" : "", # image file or base64
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"size": {
"s": {
"color": "black", #string
"size": "s", #string
"regular_price": 200, #integer
"current_price": 150, #integer
"discount": 25, #integer
"dicount_type": 0, #integer like: 0|1 0 = fixed, 1 = parcentage
"stock": 24 #integer
"m": {
... here is other additional product details
"black" :{
"color_icon": null,
"color_thumbnails": null,
"color_galleries": null,
"size": {
"s": {
"color": null,
"size": null,
"regular_price": 200,
"current_price": 150,
"discount": 25,
"dicount_type": 0,
"stock": 24
"additional_attributes": {
"size": ["S","M","L"],
"color": ["Black","White","Gray","Blue"]
"extend_props": {
"test" : "hello",
"test2" : "check for required"
# you can customize validition by validition tab
"validation": {
"roles": {
"name": "required",
"color_icon": "required"
### Result
"0": "Success",
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"category": ["1","2","3"],
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"name": "this first add product from api",
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"description": "this first add product from vs code description",
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"start_offer": "2023-02-19 12:55:51",
"end_offer": "2023-11-19 12:55:51",
"extend_props": {
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"test2": "test two"
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"updated_by": 1,
"created_at": "2023-05-11T03:56:21.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-11T03:56:37.000000Z",
"categories": [
"id": 1,
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"parent_id": 0,
"name": "T-shirt",
"slug": "t_shirt_iYKOQM0waTaB5pT",
"sequence": null,
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"commission_type": null,
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"banner": null,
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"extend_props": {
"check": "test status"
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"created_at": "2023-05-10T02:50:40.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-10T02:50:40.000000Z",
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"category_id": 1
Get all product list by GET Method with filter function customized option for you. below list of route with parameter{{app_token}}/product
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
### Result
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"minimum_order": 1,
"start_offer": "2023-02-19 12:55:51",
"end_offer": "2023-11-19 12:55:51",
"extend_props": {
"test": "test one",
"test2": "test two"
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"updated_at": "2023-05-11T03:56:37.000000Z",
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"extend_props": {
"check": "test status"
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If you want to get by pagination to the list by GET Method Here we have this featuer for you in ths route with parameter like: limit_per_page{{app_token}}/product?limit_per_page=1
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
### Result
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"extend_props": {
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"extend_props": {
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Basic Query Parameters
limit_per_page = 1 // Default 15
name = ''
page = 1 // number of page for pagination
data = all
orderBy = desc // desc|asc
Here is example url:
GET ={{app_token}}/product
GET ={{app_token}}/product?limit_per_page=1
GET ={{app_token}}/product?name=apple
GET ={{app_token}}/product?page=1
GET ={{app_token}}/product?data=all&limit_per_page=1&name=admin&page=1
Advance Query/Filter Parameters
body: {
"regular_price" : 50,
"current_price": 50,
"country_id": "",
"prop_name": "value",
"police_station_id": "",
"district_id": "",
"vendor_id": "",
"brand_id": "",
"name": "",
"status": "",
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"unit": "",
"minimum_order": "",
"start_offer": "", // only Date
"end_offer": "", // Only Date
"range_start_from_offer": "", // Only Date
"range_start_to_offer": "", // Only Date
"range_end_from_offer": "", // Only Date
"range_end_to_offer": "", // Only Date
"category": [], // array
"regular_price_range": "", // 0,100
"current_price_range": "", // 0,100
// or query function
"or_regular_price": "",
"or_current_price": "",
"or_country_id": "",
"prop_name": "value",
"or_police_station_id": "",
"or_district_id": "",
"or_vendor_id": "",
"or_brand_id": "",
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"or_dicount_type": "", // Fixed|Parcentage
"or_stock": "",
"or_unit": "",
"or_minimum_order": "",
"or_start_offer": "", // only Date
"or_end_offer": "", // Only Date
"or_range_start_from_offer": "", // Only Date
"or_range_start_to_offer": "", // Only Date
"or_range_end_from_offer": "", // Only Date
"or_range_end_to_offer": "", // Only Date
"or_category":[], // array
"or_regular_price_range": "", // 0,100
"or_current_price_range": "", // 0,100
Details Data
Get product details by GET Method with all relational data for you. below list of route with parameter{{app_token}}/product/{{id}}
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
### Result
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"category": ["1","2","3"],
"brand_id": 1,
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"banner": null,
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"status": 1,
"regular_price": 50,
"current_price": 40,
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"dicount_type": "fixed",
"stock": 20,
"unit": "pcs",
"minimum_order": 1,
"start_offer": "2023-02-19 12:55:51",
"end_offer": "2023-11-19 12:55:51",
"extend_props": {
"test": "test one",
"test2": "test two"
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"updated_at": "2023-05-11T03:56:37.000000Z",
"categories": [
Get product details by GET Method with all relational data for you. below list of route with parameter{{app_token}}/product/{{id}}/edit
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
### Result
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"unique_id": "QsdTr6mAaU4DghV",
"category": ["1","2","3"],
"brand_id": 1,
"vendor_id": 1,
"country_id": 1,
"district_id": 1,
"police_station_id": 1,
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"slug": "this_first_add_product_from_api_QsdTr6mAaU4DghV",
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"thumbnails": null,
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"status": 1,
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"minimum_order": 1,
"start_offer": "2023-02-19 12:55:51",
"end_offer": "2023-11-19 12:55:51",
"extend_props": {
"test": "test one",
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Method allow for update PUT/PATCH/POST{{app_token}}/product/{{id}}
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
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description, //longtext
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vendor_id, //integer
country_id, //integer
district_id, //integer
police_station_id, //integer
sequence, //double
status, //integer
regular_price, //double
current_price, //double
dicount, //double
dicount_type, //string like: fixed or parcentage
stock, //integer
unit, //integer
minimum_order, //integer
start_offer, // date time
end_offer, // date time
category[], // array
banner, // image file or base64
icon, // image file or base64
thumbnails, // image file or base64
### Result
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"check": "test status"
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"created_at": "2023-05-10T02:50:40.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2023-05-10T02:50:40.000000Z",
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### Result
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"start_offer": "2023-02-19 12:55:51",
"end_offer": "2023-11-19 12:55:51",
"extend_props": {
"test": "test one",
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Method allow for delete Delete{{app_token}}/product/{{id}}
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization" : `Bearer ${token}`
### Result